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RAMM (Ross and Morgan Ministries) has been assisting families for many years in our community. RAMM was reorganized in 2016 becoming Ross and Morgan Ministries of Butler County. RAMM is a 501c(3) non profit and all volunteer organization. The RAMM board meets the first Saturday of each month. If you are interested in learning more about RAMM or would like to share your time and talents, please give us a call 513-212-7950.


Fresh Market Drive Thru Open Pantry 3rd Saturday of each month at Ross Local Schools administration building, room 101 from 10:00am to 11:30am. If you are in need of an appointment for the Sharing Closet, please give us a call.


Board Members: Greg Young, Debbie Schwab, Nick Rice,

Walter Wilson JR, Robyn Shupp, Tami Adams

Home: Who We Are


We are currently seeking donations for our food pantry, since March 2020, the number of families we serve has doubled. We are in need of many items to keep our pantry stocked.

Spaghetti sauce and pasta, peanut butter & jelly, canned meats and meals, canned fruit, canned vegetables, cereal, pasta and rice meals, soups, fresh fruit and vegetables, meats,  breads, kid friendly snacks, diapers, shampoo, toothpaste, soap, paper products, and cleaning supplies. if you you can help with a donation, please contact Greg Young at 513-212-7950 to schedule a delivery or pick up.

  1. Volunteer

  2. Donate fresh or frozen food and meats

  3. Donate canned and boxed foods

  4. Donate personal care items (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine care)

  5. Donate home goods (bathroom tissue, paper towels, cleaning supplies)

  6. Donate new and gently used clothing and shoes, coats and jackets

  7. Donate items for our raffles at the Strawberry Festival, Back to School carnival and Country Christmas

  8. Donate funds to help support our many programs

OurOur Services

  1. Fresh Market Drive Thru Open Pantry, Pet Food Pantry & Sharing Closet (clothing & household items)

  2. Rent and utility assistance

  3. Hygiene kits for students in Ross Local Schools

  4. Back to School Carnival (provides backpacks & school supplies)

  5. Hope for the Holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas program


Our goal is to help families in the Ross Local School District that have temporarily fallen on hard times. We provide resources such as food, pet food, personal care items, backpacks, school supplies,  

clothing, household items and rent and utility assistance.


  1. 3rd Saturday of each month, 9am to 12pm. Ross Local Schools administration building. 3371 Hamilton Cleves Rd, Room 101

  2. Venice Presbyterian Church annex. Monday thru Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm.


   3. Call 513-212-7950 if you need       donations picked up or to schedule a time to drop off donations.


Food: Canned vegetables, canned fruit, cereal, peanut butter & jelly, canned meats and meals, spaghetti sauce and pasta, pasta meals, soups, and snacks.

Personal Care: body wash, bar soap, shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste,

Household: bathroom tissue, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies

Home: What We Do
Home: donations


RAMM, being a 501(c)3 nonprofit, all volunteer organization, operates entirely on donations. If you would like to help us support less fortunate families in the Ross local school district, you can make a financial donation here, or donate food or personal care items. 

We use PayPal to provide a safe and effective way to collect donations. you can donate from a PayPal account, or any credit card. All you have to do is press the yellow button! We now accept donations through VENMO. (RAMM-RossandMorganMinistries)

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Contact RAMM

PO Box 41, Ross OH 45061

(513) 212-7950

Contact Us

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Home: Contact

RAMM, PO Box 41, Ross, OH 45061

(513) 212-7950

©2019 by Ross and Morgan Ministries

of Butler County, Ohio

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